Why Are Internal Links Important for SEO?

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Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a vast and intricate field, with numerous elements influencing a website’s ranking. One of these elements, often overlooked yet tremendously important, is internal linking. So, let’s dive deep into understanding the role of internal links and why they’re an indispensable aspect of SEO.

What are Internal Links?

Internal links are, simply put, the bridges within your website. They are the links that go from one page on your domain to another page on the same domain. This is different from external links, which connect pages from one website to another. Imagine your website as a house; internal links are the corridors that connect different rooms, ensuring flow and accessibility.

Why are internal links important for seo?

Think of your website’s users for a moment. They enter, searching for specific information or content. Internal links serve as signposts, guiding these visitors toward the most relevant and valuable content. In doing so, they improve user experience (UX) by ensuring that visitors can seamlessly find and access the data they need.

1. Boosting Page Authority

Each page on your website has a certain level of authority, sometimes referred to as “link juice.” When a high-authority page links to another page on the same site, it shares some of this credibility. 

For instance, if you have an article that’s highly popular and garners significant traffic, by linking from that article to another on your site, you effectively boost the latter’s authority.


2. Spreading the Crawl Depth of Search Engines

Search engine bots are like little explorers, crawling and indexing web pages. Internal links assist these bots in discovering new pages on your site. More importantly, they ensure that deeper or less frequently updated pages don’t get left in the dark but are instead crawled and indexed, thereby improving their chances of appearing in search results.


3. Reducing Bounce Rate

Bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who navigate away from your site after viewing only one page. High bounce rates can be a concern, indicating that users aren’t finding what they’re looking for. 

However, with effective internal linking, you encourage users to delve deeper into your site, exploring more content and thus reducing the chances of a quick exit.


4. Signalling Content Relevance to Search Engines

Internal links don’t just help users; they communicate with search engines too. The anchor text, which is the clickable text in a hyperlink, serves as an indicator of the linked content’s topic. 

By using strategic anchor texts, you can show search engines the relationship and hierarchy between different pages, highlighting the relevance and structure of your content.


5. Increasing Pageviews and Engagement

When visitors find relevant links that lead to other intriguing articles or pages, they’re likely to stay and explore. This increases page views and the time spent on your site, signalling search engines that your website offers valuable content. In the long run, this could improve your site’s authority and ranking.

Best Practices for Internal Linking

While internal linking is essential, it’s also vital to do it right. Here are some pointers:

  • Descriptive Anchor Text: Use anchor text that describes the linked content, ensuring clarity for both users and search engines.
  • Avoid Over-optimization: While it’s good to use keywords in anchor texts, avoid stuffing them unnecessarily.
  • Natural Links: Ensure that your links feel organic within the content and aren’t forced.
  • Regular Check: Periodically, scan your website for broken internal links and fix them. Tools like Screaming Frog or SEMrush can help.

How Many Internal Links is Too Many?

The optimal number of internal links on a page can vary based on the content length and purpose, but it’s essential to prioritize user experience above all. While search engines like Google don’t set a strict limit on the number of internal links, overly saturating a page with them can make content feel cluttered and disrupt the user’s reading experience. 

A good rule of thumb is to incorporate links naturally, ensuring they provide value by directing readers to relevant content. It’s also crucial to avoid manipulative or excessive linking solely for SEO purposes, as search engines might see this as an attempt to game the system. 

Regularly auditing your pages for link relevance and utility will help maintain a balanced and effective internal linking strategy.

Should Internal Links Open in a New Tab?

The decision of whether internal links should open in a new tab is a matter of user experience and website goals. 

Generally, internal links that direct users to content within the same website should open in the same tab to maintain a smooth browsing experience. This ensures users can easily navigate back and forth without accumulating multiple open tabs. 

However, there are exceptions. For instance, if a link leads to a tool, application, or platform that requires a separate interface or is distinctly different from the main content, it might be beneficial to open it in a new tab. It’s essential to be thoughtful in your approach, always prioritizing the user’s convenience and the purpose of the link.


Internal links might seem like just another part of your website, but as we’ve discussed, they play a pivotal role in both user experience and SEO. Whether you’re guiding your users, boosting page authority, or signalling content relevance, these little bridges are hard at work, ensuring your website’s cohesive and optimized structure.

Read our full SEO guide to copywriting & on-page SEO here.

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